Young Dance Performing Company Preseason Camp - August 16 to August 19

Join Chitra Vairavan and Anat Shinar for a preseason Performing Company camp! We’ll dance the mornings away exploring a variety of techniques with special guests, develop our improvisation and dance-making skills, and build community through movement activities.

Company Preseason Camp
Monday-Thursday, August 16-19
Tuition: $133

The Young Dance company is a group of passionate dancers committed to exploring themselves and their world through dance.

Company members, ages 7-18, take weekly classes and rehearse on Saturdays, September through May. The company frames its annual season around a theme that immerses dancers in artistic inquiry and produces high quality, innovative performances. Dancers work with professional artists to investigate and collaborate on choreography relative to the selected theme. Their work is presented in venues throughout the year and in a season finale concert each spring.


Location Info

Young Dance, Fairview Business Center
655 Fairview Ave N
St. Paul, MN 55104

Contact Info

Kathleen Pender