The site-specific outdoor Winter Sound Garden comes to the wooded banks of the Mississippi for the St. Paul Winter Carnival’s “Winter Play Day.”
A free and family-friendly sound and performance installation featuring over 50 small speakers, each playing a different part of composer/director JG Everest’s spatial symphony, the Winter Sound Garden will also feature a roving movement score by dancers Sarah Baumert, Eva Mohn, Erika Hansen, and Suzette Gilreath, with direction from Krista Langberg; plus bonfires, s’mores, live storytelling, poetry and a mermaid singing a song about snowflakes with her roving choir.
Saturday, January 25
At Crosby Farm Regional Park in St. Paul, located in the same area as the Mad King Thomas performance last fall and where the Fall Sound Garden was featured in “Park After Dark” in September, along the river.