The Garden- A Refuge: The Film!
A filmed play by Storydance Theatre, written by Cia Sautter, Ph.D
Available on Vimeo July 4-11, 2021 for pay-as-able, though we appreciate donations of $10-$20.
The project is grounded in Earth-based creation [Art], re-interpreting the Wisdom story of Job through this lens.The ancient tale deals with when bad things happen to good people, and the surprising “solution.” There is dance, flamenco music and flamenco-inspired dance, storytelling, poetry, and acting.
Performers include:
Cialuna(Sautter), Vickijoan Keck, Ross Fellrath, Emily Jarrett Hughes, Dagmara Gutman, Diana Viteri
Filmed by Jenny Zander
FFI: Contact Cia at or visit
This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund. This project was also made possible in part with the support of Rimon: The Minnesota Jewish Arts Council, an initiative of the Minneapolis Jewish Federation.