The Walking Series
an 8-week Feldenkrais Series with Sarah Baumert
This series will start from the ground up by addressing the form, function, suppleness, and responsiveness of your feet. These lessons will help you integrate and find coordination between the feet to the legs, all the way up through the pelvis, spine to head. We will play with finding the springy innate intelligence of the feet, allowing you to connect to the earth with greater adaptability.
From there, we will explore the head and pelvis relationship, how to move from the whole spine, and improve the freedom of your head. All of these are critical components of balance, maintaining ease in an upright posture, and effortlessness in walking.
The later part of the series will work with standing lessons to learn more about how you shift your weight. This clarification of the hip joints and their relationship to your feet and your spine will translate towards more ease and grace when walking.
These lessons can not only make you feel taller and stand with more ease, but in general can dramatically help you improve your balance and walk with more ease, grace, and confidence. Walking is complex, but when done efficiently, it can feel simultaneously buoyant and grounded!
June 13 – August 15 – It is not too late to join this series.
No class July 4, August 4, or August 8.
Sundays, 4:00-5:00pm CST
Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30pm CST
Each lesson is taught twice. You have the choice to come to one or both days.
$150 for the series.
Please contact Sarah directly to inquire about scholarships for the series.