Ruby Josephine Dance Theater Presents: A Solstice Soirée - December 16

Brand new company Ruby Josephine Dance Theater is thrilled to throw its first ever Solstice Soirée. Created to celebrate bringing light to the darkest time of the year, this evening will consist of pop-up movement performances, a screening of a short company dance film, food, drink, sun-mask crafting, and other reveling activities. There will also be various ways to enjoy art and support RJDT, including a silent auction, raffles, and other ways to contribute to the start-up of this new creative company. Join us in illuminating the evening and parading in the beginning of RJDT.

Saturday, December 16
At Groveland Gallery

This event is free to the community and open-house style. You are welcome to arrive at any point in the evening.
Register for the Solstice Soirée!
Registration is not required to attend, but it does help us to prepare for how many guests to expect.

Location Info

Groveland Gallery
25 Groveland Terrace
Minneapolis, MN 55403


Contact Info

Ruby Josephine Smith