Plymouth Congregational Church in Minneapolis is in search of a dance and movement instructor for young people in grades K-12+.
Plymouth has a long history of incorporating dance into worship services. We are looking for a candidate who: takes interest in and inspiration from a variety of cultures and genres; teaches free and authentic movement; can envision and design offerings that enrich the worship experience, even inviting the congregation into responsorial movement and other projects.
– peace and social justice oriented
– welcoming to dancers and movers of all ages, abilities, genders, and sexual orientations
– experienced and comfortable working with groups of children, typically in K-2 and 3-12 grade groupings
– will prepare a piece as an offering or prelude in Sunday worship (9:00am or 11:00am services) approximately once every two months
– is available for a short Open House in the late afternoon of September 1 for an outdoor meet and greet with prospective dancers
– is available Wednesday nights between 6:00-8:00pm, starting September 15
– is available for Christmas Eve service December 24 at 5:00pm