Beginning Doushin Butoh Workshop Online - June 10 to July 29

Beginning Doushin Butoh Workshop is designed to learn and experience the basic physical methods of Subbody Butoh Method and basic movements and meditation techniques of Spring Forest Qigong. It is a prerequisite for the Advanced Doushin Butoh Workshop.

This workshop will focus on the essential aspects of Doushin Butoh, such as quieting down your daily consciousness, creating movements that are novel and unique to the individual body, and resonating with everything around you.

Doushin Butoh Workshop is a group process and this workshop requires no previous dance experience. Anyone who would like to explore his or her hidden creative potentials is welcome!

Thursdays, 6:30 – 8:00pm

Summer Term 2021: June 10, 17, 24, July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Schedule is subject to change.

Tuition: $135

Contact Info

Gadu Doushin


Class Title: Beginning Doushin Butoh Workshop Summer Term
Instructor: Gadu Doushin
Price: $135 USD
Date: June 10, 2021
End Date: July 29, 2021
Time: 6:30 pm
End Date: 8:00 pm